SRLV Baden-Württemberg e.V.
SRLV Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Match schedule 2016/2017

Victor - Kreisliga B Nord-Württemberg

1. Matchday, on the 28.08.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
2. Matchday, on the 18.09.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
3. Matchday, on the 09.10.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
4. Matchday, on the 23.10.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Squash Point Gerlingen | Match host: Fun Point Gerlingen 3
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 0:4 2:1291:148 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 3:1 11:4157:125 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 2:2 9:8153:154 Score Sheet
Venue: Fitness Company Waiblingen | Match host: Moskitos Waiblingen 6
Squash Devils 7 : SI Stuttgart 7 0:4 3:12111:154 Score Sheet
Moskitos Waiblingen 6 : Squash Devils 9 1:3 4:1189:147 Score Sheet
SI Stuttgart 7 : Squash Devils 9 4:0 12:0135:68 Score Sheet
Squash Devils 7 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:1144:90 Score Sheet
5. Matchday, on the 13.11.2016 at 11:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Squash Tempel Magstadt | Match host: Olimpus SC Magstadt 2
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : Squash Devils 9 3:1 11:3145:100 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Squash Devils 7 0:4 0:1277:135 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Squash Devils 9 3:1 11:4148:100 Score Sheet
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : Squash Devils 7 0:4 1:1294:140 Score Sheet
Venue: Pink Power Böblingen | Match host: SI Stuttgart 7
SI Stuttgart 7 : 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 1:3 6:9125:139 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:0135:40 Score Sheet
SI Stuttgart 7 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:0134:67 Score Sheet
6. Matchday, on the 11.12.2016 at 11:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
7. Matchday, on the 15.01.2017 at 11:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Fitness Company Waiblingen | Match host: Moskitos Waiblingen 6
Moskitos Waiblingen 6 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 0:4 3:1290:156 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : SI Stuttgart 7 0:4 2:12111:150 Score Sheet
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : SI Stuttgart 7 0:4 4:12123:158 Score Sheet
Moskitos Waiblingen 6 : Fun Point Gerlingen 3 0:4 1:1278:141 Score Sheet
Venue: Sport Treff Sohn Neu-Ulm | Match host: 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Squash Devils 7 2:2 6:7109:114 Score Sheet
Squash Devils 7 : Squash Devils 9 4:0 12:1139:86 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Squash Devils 9 4:0 12:3153:99 Score Sheet
8. Matchday, on the 29.01.2017 at 11:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Squash Point Gerlingen | Match host: Fun Point Gerlingen 3
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 0:4 2:1294:140 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 3:1 9:5133:109 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 2:2 6:10126:152 Score Sheet
Venue: Fitness Company Waiblingen | Match host: Moskitos Waiblingen 6
Moskitos Waiblingen 6 : Squash Devils 9 0:4 2:1292:151 Score Sheet
SI Stuttgart 7 : Squash Devils 7 4:0 12:3157:101 Score Sheet
SI Stuttgart 7 : Squash Devils 9 4:0 12:2152:83 Score Sheet
Moskitos Waiblingen 6 : Squash Devils 7 0:4 0:1272:132 Score Sheet
9. Matchday, on the 12.02.2017 at 11:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
10. Matchday, on the 26.03.2017 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Pink Power Böblingen | Match host: SI Stuttgart 7
SI Stuttgart 7 : 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 1:3 5:9105:124 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:0132:50 Score Sheet
SI Stuttgart 7 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:0132:58 Score Sheet
Venue: Squash Point Gerlingen | Match host: Squash Devils 9
Squash Devils 9 : Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 0:4 1:1288:145 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Squash Devils 7 1:3 6:9132:140 Score Sheet
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : Squash Devils 7 1:3 3:1092:125 Score Sheet
Squash Devils 9 : Fun Point Gerlingen 3 0:4 0:1270:134 Score Sheet
11. Matchday, on the 09.04.2017 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Fitness Company Waiblingen | Match host: Moskitos Waiblingen 6
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:0136:51 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : SI Stuttgart 7 0:4 0:1273:133 Score Sheet
Fun Point Gerlingen 3 : Moskitos Waiblingen 6 4:0 12:1146:68 Score Sheet
Olimpus SC Magstadt 2 : SI Stuttgart 7 2:2 6:892:137 Score Sheet
Venue: Sport Treff Sohn Neu-Ulm | Match host: 1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Squash Devils 9 3:1 10:3137:76 Score Sheet
Squash Devils 9 : Squash Devils 7 1:3 6:9109:146 Score Sheet
1. Ulmer Squash-Club e.V. 3 : Squash Devils 7 2:2 7:6128:123 Score Sheet
12. Matchday, on the 23.04.2017 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
13. Matchday, on the 14.05.2017 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet

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