Squash Verband Berlin Brandenburg e.V.
Squash Verband Berlin Brandenburg e.V.

Match schedule 2015/2016

Victor Bezirksliga Herren

1. Matchday, on the 27.09.2015 at 09:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Sportcenter Wittenau | Match host: Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 0:3 0:90:99 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : Airport Squash e.V. 3 1:2 6:6102:91 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 1:2 3:897:109 Score Sheet
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : Airport Squash e.V. 3 0:2 0:60:66 Score Sheet
2. Matchday, on the 25.10.2015 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
3. Matchday, on the 08.11.2015 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
4. Matchday, on the 29.11.2015 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Airport Squash | Match host: 1. Squash Club Berlin 7
1. Squash Club Berlin 6 : Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 3:0 9:2108:38 Score Sheet
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 7 0:3 0:912:99 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 6 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 7 2:1 6:5100:99 Score Sheet
Venue: Havellandhalle | Match host: LobStars BB e.V. 5
LobStars BB e.V. 4 : Airport Squash e.V. 3 1:2 3:661:80 Score Sheet
Airport Squash e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 3:0 9:099:40 Score Sheet
LobStars BB e.V. 4 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 2:1 6:384:51 Score Sheet
5. Matchday, on the 10.01.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Airport Squash | Match host: Airport Squash e.V. 3
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : Airport Squash e.V. 3 0:3 1:952:105 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 6 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 3:0 9:099:33 Score Sheet
Airport Squash e.V. 3 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 6 3:0 9:099:43 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 3:0 9:2113:80 Score Sheet
6. Matchday, on the 24.01.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Sportcenter Wittenau | Match host: Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3
LobStars BB e.V. 5 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 7 3:0 9:4136:115 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 0:3 0:952:100 Score Sheet
LobStars BB e.V. 5 : Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 0:3 1:962:106 Score Sheet
Venue: Airport Squash | Match host: Airport Squash e.V. 3
Airport Squash e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 2:1 6:386:64 Score Sheet
LobStars BB e.V. 4 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 6 2:1 8:3114:91 Score Sheet
Airport Squash e.V. 3 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 6 3:0 9:0102:49 Score Sheet
7. Matchday, on the 28.02.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Havellandhalle | Match host: LobStars BB e.V. 4
LobStars BB e.V. 5 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 0:3 0:942:99 Score Sheet
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 6 2:1 8:6143:126 Score Sheet
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 3:0 9:1107:55 Score Sheet
LobStars BB e.V. 5 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 6 0:3 0:928:99 Score Sheet
8. Matchday, on the 20.03.2016 at 10:00 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Venue: Havellandhalle | Match host: LobStars BB e.V. 5
1. Squash Club Berlin 6 : 1. Squash Club Berlin 7 3:0 9:099:45 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 7 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 1:2 4:671:97 Score Sheet
1. Squash Club Berlin 6 : LobStars BB e.V. 4 2:1 6:375:63 Score Sheet
Venue: Airport Squash | Match host: Airport Squash e.V. 3
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : Airport Squash e.V. 3 2:1 6:382:42 Score Sheet
Airport Squash e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 2:0 6:066:0 Score Sheet
Squash Club Fit Fun e.V. 3 : LobStars BB e.V. 5 3:0 9:099:0 Score Sheet

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