Hessischer Squash Verband e.V.
Hessischer Squash Verband e.V.

Match schedule 2012/2013

Bezirksliga Herren Süd

1. Matchday, on the 21.09.2012 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 1:3 3:11114:150 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 3:1 11:4145:128 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : Squash Cats 1986 3 1:3 4:11115:151 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 0:4 1:12103:144 Score Sheet
2. Matchday, on the 05.10.2012 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 3:1 9:6156:134 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 4:0 12:1147:95 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 4:0 12:3158:113 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 3:1 11:4156:100 Score Sheet
3. Matchday, on the 26.10.2012 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 3:1 10:4140:113 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 0:4 3:1296:150 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 1:3 3:1181:136 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : Squash Cats 1986 3 2:2 8:9153:142 Score Sheet
4. Matchday, on the 09.11.2012 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : Squash Cats 1986 3 1:3 5:10131:142 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 3:1 9:8154:157 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 3:1 11:3144:107 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 4:0 12:3157:102 Score Sheet
5. Matchday, on the 30.11.2012 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 1:3 6:9135:147 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 1:3 7:11142:170 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 4:0 12:0132:46 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : Squash Cats 1986 3 3:1 9:5148:115 Score Sheet
6. Matchday, on the 07.12.2012 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 2:2 9:7146:145 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 3:1 11:6166:144 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : Squash Cats 1986 3 3:1 9:3118:98 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 4:0 View Spiel nachträglich als verloren gewertet12:0132:0 Score Sheet
7. Matchday, on the 14.12.2012 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 1:3 4:9118:133 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 3:1 9:7153:155 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 4:0 12:2147:77 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 2:2 6:7103:121 Score Sheet
8. Matchday, on the 11.01.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 2:2 6:6110:108 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 4:0 12:2152:103 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 3:1 9:5140:102 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 4:0 12:2153:97 Score Sheet
9. Matchday, on the 18.01.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 2:2 7:9150:145 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : Squash Cats 1986 3 2:2 8:7128:135 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 3:1 9:5146:129 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 2:2 6:9126:142 Score Sheet
10. Matchday, on the 25.01.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 2:2 6:6109:101 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 4:0 12:2157:100 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 0:4 View Spiel nachträglich als verloren gewertet0:120:132 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 2:2 6:7111:103 Score Sheet
11. Matchday, on the 15.02.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 1:3 8:11159:191 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 1:3 4:9125:137 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 0:4 4:12134:157 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 0:4 4:12127:172 Score Sheet
12. Matchday, on the 01.03.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 3:1 9:6136:116 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 3:1 10:3138:96 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 3:1 9:4127:95 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 1:3 5:10127:156 Score Sheet
13. Matchday, on the 08.03.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 : SC 77 Dreieich 1 3:1 9:4129:86 Score Sheet
CS 81 Bensheim 1 : Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 3:1 9:6148:119 Score Sheet
Squash Cats 1986 3 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 2:2 7:8126:141 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 3:1 9:7140:145 Score Sheet
14. Matchday, on the 22.03.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC 77 Dreieich 1 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 3 2:2 6:6116:95 Score Sheet
Erster Frankfurter Squash Club (EFSC) 3 : Squash Cats 1986 3 1:3 5:9137:156 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 4 : CS 81 Bensheim 1 0:4 3:12127:166 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 5 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 4 2:2 7:8143:151 Score Sheet

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