Hessischer Squash Verband e.V.
Hessischer Squash Verband e.V.

Match schedule 2013/2014

Hessenliga Herren

1. Matchday, on the 06.09.2013 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 1:3 4:993:120 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 4:0 12:0133:75 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 4:0 12:5178:146 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 2:2 8:10163:182 Score Sheet
2. Matchday, on the 20.09.2013 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 4:0 12:1145:87 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 2:2 7:8136:139 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 0:4 2:1297:154 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 2:2 8:6122:116 Score Sheet
3. Matchday, on the 27.09.2013 at 17:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 3:1 11:5158:142 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 0:4 4:12117:160 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 3:1 10:4126:102 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 4:0 12:3167:122 Score Sheet
4. Matchday, on the 01.11.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 2:2 9:6132:123 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 0:4 4:12110:166 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 2:2 9:8159:169 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 3:1 11:3137:109 Score Sheet
5. Matchday, on the 08.11.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 2:2 8:10151:173 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 2:2 6:9131:137 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 1:3 3:1093:120 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 3:1 10:4139:104 Score Sheet
6. Matchday, on the 29.11.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 3:1 10:4146:97 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 2:2 7:7125:123 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 4:0 12:2146:93 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 3:1 11:3149:117 Score Sheet
7. Matchday, on the 13.12.2013 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 2:2 10:7169:146 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 1:3 5:9107:123 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 3:1 11:5157:129 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 0:4 0:1269:132 Score Sheet
8. Matchday, on the 10.01.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 4:0 12:2154:101 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 0:4 3:12116:157 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 2:2 7:9138:153 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 1:3 6:11148:170 Score Sheet
9. Matchday, on the 17.01.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 3:1 9:3133:107 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 3:1 11:4147:99 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 4:0 12:1141:75 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 3:1 9:5128:105 Score Sheet
10. Matchday, on the 24.01.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 3:1 10:5151:138 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 2:2 9:6144:124 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 0:4 1:1286:143 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 0:4 3:12108:161 Score Sheet
11. Matchday, on the 07.02.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 1:3 7:9144:138 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 4:0 12:2163:106 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 3:1 11:7173:155 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 4:0 12:3157:107 Score Sheet
12. Matchday, on the 28.02.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 3:1 10:7156:139 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 3:1 9:8167:156 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 3:1 9:5136:108 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 1:3 4:9114:131 Score Sheet
13. Matchday, on the 07.03.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 : Town Squash Club Kassel 1 2:2 8:8132:141 Score Sheet
S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 2:2 8:10167:167 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 : Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 0:4 3:12118:168 Score Sheet
Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 2:2 7:6114:112 Score Sheet
14. Matchday, on the 21.03.2014 at 18:30 o'clock Match Game G-Points Score Sheet
Town Squash Club Kassel 1 : Squash-Pointers Gießen 1 4:0 12:3155:108 Score Sheet
1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 1 : SC Monopol Frankfurt 3 2:2 8:6139:115 Score Sheet
SC Monopol Frankfurt 2 : S.C. Yellow Dot Maintal 2 3:1 10:3127:88 Score Sheet
Court-Hoppers Seligenstadt 1979 1 : 1. Darmstädter Squash Club 1979 2 4:0 12:2143:86 Score Sheet

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